Be a Part of the Safety
Did you know, it costs.....

to provide transportation for someone to seek a protective order.

a day to provide food and shelter for one person.

gives a victim and two children food and shelter for one day.

Please consider donating monthly to help the many victims and children we see daily.
How to Give

Credit Card/PayPal
Click the DONATE NOW button above to give by credit card or PayPal.

Send a Check
Donations can be mailed directly to: Center for Family Violence Prevention PO Box 8429 Street Greenville, NC 27835

Contact Us via
Email or Phone
Be a Part of the Safety

Every donation to C4FVP helps ensure someone is available to answer the most important call of a victim’s life.

Volunteer your time and items at our retail stores, clothing, food, monetary, school supplies, cell phone, holiday drives and event tables and clerical duties.

Our stores double as a closet/attic for our clients in need, and generates funding for much needed services, programs, and emergency assistance.